Aksu village

4549Ok1Dostyk street The name is given as a symbol of mutual responsibility and care, spiritual closeness of citizens of KazakhstanStreet
4550Ok2Enbeк street Depending on the name of the main form of human activity, creating for a person the entire set of items necessary to ensure its consumption.Street
4551Ok3Zh.Zhabayev streetThe street was named in honor of Zhambyl Zhabaev, a Kazakh poet, zhyrshy Street
4552Ok4A.Kunanbayev street The street is named in honor of the great Kazakh poet-educator, reformer of Kazakh literature and literary language, philosopher, composer Abay (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev.Street
4553Ok5S.Datuly streetThe street is named in honor of Raw Datula, the leader of the uprising against The Russian tsarist regime, Batyr, orator, who United the Kazakhs of the younger Zhuz, in the struggle for Independence.Street
4554Ok6Astana street The name is in honor of the name of the former capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Street
4555Ok7Zhenis street In connection with the victory in the great Patriotic warStreet
4556Ok8Mektep street The name was named because there is a school nearbyStreet
4557Ok9Zhaiyk streetIn connection with the name of the river Street
4558Ok10Barys streetName assigned according to the year of the LeopardStreet
4559Ok11A.Moldagulova street Awarded in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union.Street
4560Ok12M.Mametova street The street is named after Manshuk Mametova, WWII participant, machine gunner, Hero of the Soviet Union Street
4561Ok13E.Hasangaliev streetNamed in honor of the winner of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, singer, composer, musician, people's artist of the Kazakh SSR. Street
4562Ok14T.Musabayev streetIn honor of the 309th cosmonaut of the world, doctor of technical Sciences, Lieutenant General of aviation, Chairman of the aerospace Committee of the Ministry of investment and development of Kazakhstan.Street
4563Ok15Shyngyrlau street Named with the same name with the localityStreet